| You scored as The Pretty-Boi Dyke. You can be a bit cocky at times and ever the heartbreaker, but no one knows that you're really just looking for true love.
The Surprise! Dyke | | 35% | The Pretty-Boi Dyke | | 35% | The Student Dyke | | 25% | The Sprightly Elfin Femme | | 25% | The Bohemian Dyke | | 20% | The Quasi-Gothic Femme | | 10% | The Granola Dyke | | 10% | The Vaginal-Reference-Making Dyke | | 10% | The Little-Boy Dyke | | 5% | The Femme Fatale | | 0% | The Hipster Dyke | | 0% | The Magic Earring Ken Dyke | | 0% | The Stud | | 0% |
What Type of Lesbian Are You? (Inspired by Curve Mag.) created with QuizFarm.com |
i dont think i look like a boi, but i think she is very VERY hot
when will the l word be back on :(