I'm Pretty Darn Interesting!
Take Just How Interesting Are You? today!Created with Rum and Monkey's Personality Test Generator.You may not be the life of the party, but people generally find you a fun-loving font of interesting stories, jokes, and wit. With just a little more work, you could easily become the most interesting person you know!
My goddamn rock solid ghetto shiznit name is Rectal Wack.
What's yours?
Powered by Rum and Monkey.
My Mormon name is Charlesye Brittknee!
What's yours?

You're the Indie Guru!
Take What sort of Hipster are you? today!Created with Rum and Monkey's Personality Test Generator.You're practically too cool for words. You've got more indie rock knowledge in your pinky finger than Guided By Voices has songs! You went to your first Mudhoney concert when you were 14. You knew Green Day before they sold out to the masses. You can name every side project Lou Barlow has been in, complete with all album and song titles. You throw out words like "Thurston," "lo-fi," and "Kill Rock Stars." You wear jeans, old band tees, Converse. You hang with other gurus and people you can lord over. You're intelligent, but big-headed. Passionate, but hot-tempered. You will one day rule the earth.